Advanced Java Programming (G Scheme)

JMCT Polytechnic, Wadala Road, Nashik

Name of Faculty: Patel Farhat

    • Advanced Java Programming (I Scheme) 22517
      • Syllabus
      • Chapter wise notes
        • Introduction to Abstract Windowing Toolkit(AWT) & Swings
        • Event Handling
        • Networking & Security
        • Interacting with Database  
        • Servlets & JSP

      • Practical List
        • Write a program to design a form using the components textfield, label, checkbox, button, list. 
        • Write a program to demonstrate the use of Border layout showing four buttons at four sides of an applet with captions left, right, top and bottom
        • Write a program using AWT to create a menubar in a frame where menubar contains menu items such as File, Edit, View and the submenu under the File menu item should contain New and Open
        • Write a program using swing to display a JcomboBox in an applet with the items – cricket, football, hockey, tennis
        • Write a program to create a Jtree and recognize mouse clicks on it.
        • Write a program to create a JTable On JApplet Window. 
        • Write a program to display the key pressed on Applet Window. 
        • Write a program to perform addition of two nos. make use of textfield and button. 
        • Write a program making use of Adapter class. 
        • Write a program to retrieve hostname and IP Address in InetAddress class. 
        • Write a program to use URL connection class and display 1) Protocol 2) HostName 3) PortNumber 4) File Name
        • Write a program that demonstrates TCP/IP based communication between Client and Server. Client send “HELLO” to Server and Server replies “HI…” to Client. 
        • Write a program to send data to Table “XYZ” in database using prepared statement and retrieve data from same Table “XYZ” and display on screen. 
        • Write a Servlet to display the user name and password accepted from the client. 
        • Write a Servlet for demonstrating the concept of Session and Cookie. 
        • Write a simple Program to design a login JSP pages. 
        • Mini Project (Topic must be related to  Servlet and JSP). 



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  3. With the ever-rising demand for programs and applications on the web, it is imperative that programmers be more proficient in programming languages such as Java.

    The best way to Learn advanced java programming is by taking up a course or by practicing on a tutor. You can also learn from a book or a web site.


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