GUI Application Development using

JMCT Polytechnic, Wadala Road, Nashik

Name of Faculty: Patel Farhat

  • GUI Application Development using (22034)

1. Install,setup & use IDE
2. Use existing Namespaces & Create user defined Namespaces
3. Write a simple program to display a welcome message using msgbox().
4. Develop program to solve Arithmetic expressions.
5. Develop programs to demonstrate use of IF, If else Control structures in
6. Develop programs to demonstrate use of Case Control structures in
7. Develop programs to demonstrate use of For, For-each Loops in
8. Develop a program using TextBox, Label, Button.
9. Develop a program using Radio button, Check box
10. Develop a program using List Box, Combo box
11. write a program using Picture Box, Panel
12. write a program using Tab control & timer
13. write a program to perform validation using regular expression & error provider.
14. write a program to perform validation using regular expression & error provider.
15. write a program to demonstrate use of sub procedures & parameterized sub procedure.
16. write a program to demonstrate use of Simple function & parameterized Function
17. develop a program to create class. Access members of class using its object.
18. Create Constructor to initialize objects of class. use destructor to de allocate memory using finalize method.
19. Develop a program to inherit members of super class into subclass using simple inheritance.
20.Develop a program to demonstrate use of overloading method
21.Develop a program to demonstrate use of Overriding in inheritance.
22. Develop a program to demonstrate use of Shadowing in inheritance.
23. Construct a program to handle runtime errors by using Exception handling
24. write a program to fetch data from table and display data grid
25. write a program to perform following operation using Data Adapter: Fill & Update data in Database.
26. write a program to perform following operation using Data Adapter: Fetch data from multiple tables in dataset
27. write a code to store and retirve data in database table.
28. write a program that uses simple data binding using textbox, checkbox & Label.
29. write a program that uses complex data binding using combo Box
30.write a program that uses complex data binding using List Box
31. write a program to navigate across existing data in table
32. create executable file of application and deploy it to other computer.

Micro project
Hotel Management Application
Store Management application
Student record System
Traffic signal control design

Thanks and Regards,Mrs. Farhat PatelLecturer, JMCT PolytechnicEmail-id: farhat25890@gmail.comMobile No: +8600919588Note:
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